Studies and Services

Our goal is to deliver accurate results in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Web Polls

With the flexibility of web programming and the high penetration of the internet, web polls have become an extremely cost-effective approach to testing visual and written communications. The newest web technologies allow you to conduct random samples of web users, target consumers, stakeholders and citizens with specific interests or profiles. McAllister's specialized approach to web surveys results in 50-60% response rates, compared to 1-10% obtained by laypersons.

Consumer Research

McAllister has the capacity to conduct telephone, mail, intercept and face-to-face surveys nearly everywhere in the world. Our expertise in questionnaire design ensures that our surveys deliver what you need as efficiently as possible. All our surveys are pre-tested and, where necessary, back-translated to ensure linguistic validity.

Stakeholder & Opinion Leader Research

McAllister has extensive experience with stakeholder surveys of executives, doctors, academics, regulators, NGOs and other elite audiences. We specialize in list development, recruitment of difficult respondents and high-end, multilingual interviews.

Focus Groups

Focus groups offer clients the opportunity to explore communications and positioning issues in a more in-depth fashion than conventional surveys. McAllister moderators have state-of-art training in projective techniques by the Livingston Institute for Market Research Education in Syosset, New York.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is often a cost-effective first step, prior to investing in primary opinion and market research. McAllister conducts background research to understand your issues and provides library, interview, internet search, analysis and reporting tools and skills.

Statistical Analysis

Our data-mining and multivariate techniques like regression, factor analysis, segmentation and perceptual mapping will ensure you get the most out of your data.

"Angus McAllister's strong point is the translation of corporate and brand positioning issues into relevant research design. Angus' research and marketing skills also enable him to deliver actionable business implications from his research. In short, Angus does brilliant and insightful work. I strongly recommend him."
Grant Prentice,
Executive Vice President, Strategy,
Dairy Management Inc., Chicago